Wednesday 9 July 2014

Hello, I'm Houdini, a six year old cat. I live in Somerset and sleep most of the day because I hunt most of the night. Don't ask me why I do it that way round but I generally wake up at around 8pm, ask for food, then off I go into the fields that surround the house I live in, trying to avoid another black cat that often comes down the road to do the same thing. He's bigger than me and could easily beat me up, so if I get a whiff of his scent, I go back home and wait till he's gone. I'm quite a small cat cos I was neutered a little early I think and that's because the people who look after me thought I was older than I really was when they bought me. The people who bred me told me I was dead when born but after being put in front of the fire and given a massage, I fired up again so to speak. Hence my name. I like it cos the story behind it is quite cool, I think. To compensate for my small physique I've got big ears so I can escape danger before others hear the it coming. I can also run and jump really well and that's how I catch most of the birds - I leap into the air like a goalie and catch them in my mitts. It's quite a sight and very spectacular. I'm trying to get a video done of it but its difficult to know when the opportunity will present itself. I'll keep you posted. 

Anyway, I've decided to start this blog cos I wanted to keep a personal record of my hunting. When I catch anything I bring it back home to play with. I hold mice and other rodents firmly but not too firmly cos I like them to run around so I can chase them when I get home. It's fun, I think you'll agree. After a while I get bored so either give them to my house mate, Casper, who, at 19, is a bit old to catch his own stuff. Or I eat them myself. I like mice but don't like some bits of them that taste disgusting and leave those. I like birds too and eat almost everything of them. Except their feet which I leave quite often. I don't like shrews or moles as they smell a little funny. Moles are quite big and squishy too, so you have to be quite careful how you hold them cos they seem to die really easily and aren't much fun to chase as they're a bit slow. Luckily for me my house has a marble floor which means its quite easy to chase mice on and when I eat them they leave marks which can be easily cleaned off. That's very good because I like my house clean and tidy. Also I leave some bits sometimes for later and when I want to snack on those bits they won't have sunk into the carpet like the last house I lived in. The blood also  makes quite a neat pattern on the floor sometimes which is quite artistic, so I thought doing a composite image might make a nice way to keep a record of my hunting. Sadly, sometimes when Casper eats the mice he eats them in one mouthful which means there's no record of them which is a shame so I try to compensate by making the mice I keep for myself bleed a lot, so I can spread it around a bit more and make a nice shape or pattern. I'm sure you can understand. And its fun anyway. Talking of Casper, its funny watching him eat the mice as he seems to eat them head first, so their tails are often sticking out of his mouth, which he then sucks up like a bit of spaghetti. Its really cool. I'll have to practice that. Anyway, here's a photo of me. Asleep as normal on my favourite Versace cushion. My people don't like me sleeping on it really cos when its raining I come in all soaky doaky and they have to keep on getting it dry cleaned. But I say, 'love me, love my little foibles'. I'm sure you understand that.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the blog. 
Here is my first image which is a composite of last night and the night before. Two mice in total. One I ate complete but it left some good blood patterns and the other was quite big so I left its tail and some other bits which were yuk. I was a bit tired so didn't play with them much. The smaller mouse was very crunchy, so I woke my people up with the crunching sounds at 3am. Neat, eh ?

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